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What kind of organization is the PTA?

“PTA” stands for Parent Teacher Association, and follows the principles of Collaboration, Commitment, Diversity, and Accountability. The purpose of the organization is to build up and promote communication between parents and the kindergarten, as well as amongst parents, so that we can work together to help the kindergarten improve in various perspectives, building up a community spirit so that the children can grow into international citizens of confidence, respect, self-improvement and independence.

What is the structure of PTA?

The PTA has an executive committee, consisting of a chairman, vice chairman, and other committee members. The mission of the Executive Committee is to assist and coordinate the work of parent representatives and parent working groups. The executive committee communicates regularly with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and assists with kindergarten improvement where possible.

What do parent volunteers do? Do volunteers have to participant in each activity?

Volunteer participation is crucial for PTA activities and working groups, but there is no requirement for volunteers to participate in each activity or working group. We understand that everyone has to balance family and work, so we will issue notice ahead of time for each activity and recruit volunteers specifically for those activities. There is no mandatory obligation, and it is not a long-term commitment. We appreciate your participation as well as your attention, which encourages us a lot!