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BIK Jingkai Campus




BIK Jingkai Campus

Location: Guolinhupan,Chenyi road, Kunming economic development district, Yunnan province

Adjacent to Guanshan Park, surrounded by villa , it has beautiful environment and fresh air, has very spacious outdoor area.

Contact: 0871-67462889 / 18987587416

Size of the School: covering an area of 4000 square meters. The kindergarten is fully equipped with central air-conditioning, straight drinking machine, and there are dancing room, art classroom, cooking classroom, painting hall, outdoor activity balcony, outdoor activity site, planting area, beach area, etc. Its beautiful natural environment and excellent equipment resources have been favored by parents. Provide children with a safe, healthy, diversified learning environment. We plan to recruit children for our kindergarten with 25 students in each class.

Curriculum: use of the international primary school curriculum (IPC) 3 / 5-year-old curriculum system, the implementation of bilingual teaching in Chinese and English will lay the foundation for future bi-native language programs.We attach great importance to the development of visual arts, performing arts and education in the field of community service.In addition, the opening of the Garden has also offered a wealth of special courses. For example, a football course, a cooking course, an art creation course, an orf music course, a flower arranging class.

PTA is a bridge between parents and kindergarten. Giving full play to the function of parents' committee plays a very important role in promoting the close connection between the kindergarten and the family, and in raising the level of guardianship and education. The family committee members of the BIK are recommended by the parents of each class first, and then elected from among the self-recommending parents. The kindergarten held regular committee meetings to listen to the director's introduction of the kindergarten work plan, summary and work situation, and the family committee put forward constructive suggestions on the work of the kindergarten. The kindergarten also set up a 'Parents' Teaching Activities', 'Family Committee Volunteer Group' to give full play to parents' participation in kindergarten education, teaching work, supervision. 

We adopt the IPC (International Primary Curriculum) at the kindergarten stage and offer a balanced bilingual environment with student-led, inquiry-based teaching to foster creative thinking and independent problem solving. The 'IPC' Program, which is a curriculum specially designed for children from 2–5 years old, lays a good foundation for IB PYP studies.

Enrollment Requirement: 2-6 years of open-ended, household register.